tisdag 6 december 2011


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I haven't been feeling all too good lately. I haven't been hanging out with friends for about two weeks, not that I wanted to anyway. But yesterday I just had to leave the house and I needed someone to comfort me, so I called my friend Rasmus and we met up in Stockholm City. He was so sweet, he gave me a big hug and a paper bag filled with three donuts saying "When you're sad you need sugar!". I was seriously about to cry then and there.

We went to an asian bufé and ate dinner there, it was delicious but I couldn't seem to eat much for some reason. When we were done there we went to a bar to have ourselfs a glas of beer. I'm not really a fan of beer, but I forced it down anyway. It was nice, the place was so relaxing and we just sat there talking about everything that came to mind. Later on we went to another place where you can sit and smoke hookah. It was so awesome and so fucking cozy, if you guys ever get the chance to do it I suggest you take it! We sat there for some hours, it was so nice. When we were done there we decided to head home, it was getting pretty late so myeah. By that time it had started to snow here in Sweden, I was so excited and happy that it decided to start snowing when I finally had managed to get my ass out of the house!

Thank you Rasmus, you really are a true bro. I needed this so much. You're amazing, love you.