lördag 29 oktober 2011


So today I'm going to a friends place and will spend the night there. I haven't seen her in quite some time now, which is a shame since we're good friends. But I hope this will make up for it!

I was wide awake this night, went to bed for a power nap around 09:30 in the morning, pretty stupid of me. My Mother woke me up 13:00-ish and I just wanted to go back to sleep. I still do, I feel tired as fuck. But yeah, it was indeed time for me to get up.

My outfit/look two days ago.
And wow, it's a full body picture of me, quite a surprise there huh.

onsdag 26 oktober 2011


Apparently I'm gonna start having nosebleeds again, I'm so looking forward to it.

tisdag 25 oktober 2011


Just woke up about half an hour ago, finally got some shuteye after almost three days. My apetite is slowly coming back too. I was able to eat some tacos for dinner yesterday, which was all I ate the whole day, and today I ate a sandwhich. Unfortunately I'm feeling a bit nauceous after I ate, so we'll see if I can eat some more today. Oh well, City and Colour is keeping my mood up while I'm trying to draw and be creative.

söndag 23 oktober 2011

VNV Nation - Illusion


I'm feeling more down than ever and I feel weak as hell. Why does feelings exist? No, seriously. I wish I couldn’t feel shit right now. I don’t want to sleep even though my sleeping pattern is crappy as it is, I’ve hardly eaten for more than 24 hours, I need to take a shower and I haven’t been out of the house for days. Fuck school, fuck life, fuck feelings. I try to fix everything but it just gets worse. I should just stay away from people and keep quiet. I’m done. I don’t want to feel anymore.

Just take me to that quiet place.

måndag 17 oktober 2011


In barely 24 hours there's been some crazy shit going on! I met at girl over the internet this sunday. We talked for some time and then decided to talk over the phone. She seemed nice and all but I just couldn't let go of the feeling that she might be a fake user. She was way too gorgeous and didn't look Swedish at all and on top of that she looked so manly too. Flat chest, alot of tattoos, piercings everywhere and crazy hair. But the girl that I talked to over the phone was so nice, said so many sweet things and stuff like that so a part of me wished that she wouldn't be a fake. The next day I told one of my friends, who also have an account on the same website, that I met this really good looking and nice girl. She was pretty sure that she was a fake but hoped for my sake that she wouldn't be. But things just didn't seem so right about her later on and we finally figured out that she was as fake as a pair of newly enlarged brests on a porn star. My friend had met her a week earlier but then she called herself by the name of Charlie and put up pictures of some unknown person that she claimed to be her. We both know she's lyring because we've both talked to her on the phone. Same number and exactly the same voice. I told the girl that I wanted her to prove herself to be who she said that she is and she reacted exactly like a fake person would do, got mad and upset about me not trusting her. Well, it's kinda hard to trust a person fully when you've barely known them for 24 hours. She said that she would report us for accusing her to be lying about herself and she even got her none excisting family involded that sendt me long text messages saying that me and my friend had commited a serious crime and that they would see us in court. At that point I was laughing my ass off. How pathetic of a life must this person be living to actually be feeling the need to create fake accounts and hurt people by lying? That girl seriously needs help, she can't be very clear in the head. I've been through something similar before and have been hurt by people lying to me, so I'm sure to be careful when I meet new people over the internet.

In the left picture below you can see the girl that I was talking to, she was calling herself Robin then, and on the right is "Charlie" that my friend had talked to. Fake accounts from the same girl. I wouldn't be surprised if she's got more of those, I've already been suspecting two more. Anyway, another reason to why I wanted to write about this here on my blog is just to remind people out there to be careful and not trust people too much when you meet them over the internet, they can end up hurting you quite a bit. A tip to get to know i she/he is real, ask them if they can show themselves in webcam or take a picture with a paper that says your name, the face have to be in the picture of course, and then send it to you! So just stay safe and everything should be fine!

söndag 16 oktober 2011


I haven't written about what I did last weekend, lazy as I am. A friend of mine from Uppsala went to Stockholm to stay at my place for one day. We met over the internet and got really close to eachother in a really short time, so we just had to meet up! We have so much in common it's almost silly. We joke about that we've been sepparated from eachother when we were very young and adopted by different familys or something because we are so alike that we could be sisters.

After I went to pick her up we went straight home to my place, but before that we just had to swing by the store and buy some candy and unhealthy junk! I made dinner for the both of us later on and we watched
Dir en grey's live DVD MACABRE TOUR. We practically talked about Dir en grey and the members the whole time she was here! I had a crazy fun time and I hope she and I can see eachother again soon!


torsdag 6 oktober 2011


School today was pretty okay, me and my class have pretty much just started a project where we can decide ourselves what to do. I decided that I wanted to write about Paul Alexander Thornton, one of my favorite artists that I mentioned in my entry about my future tattoos. I actually contacted him when I got home and he seemed happy about me wanting to write about him. He gave me his email if I wanted to ask questions about him, and I sure will! I want to write about him as an artist, where it all began and where he gets his inspiration from. I'm also going to write about what he means to me and how much he inspires me with his paintings. I also want to include a couple of paintings and drawings that I will do myself kind of based of his work but with a twist of my own style. I'm really excited about this you guys don't even know!

Oh and I liked my hair today. I never have it styled like that, i pretty much flatiron it everyday but I thought it looked nice when I had blowdryed my hair so I let it be like that. The light in my room kinda destroyed the picture, it looked so much better in real life!

tisdag 4 oktober 2011


Okay, so I finally took some time to draw something, it's nothing spectacular or anything but I kinda like it. Since I haven't drawn in some time I kinda noticed that some of my style have changed, oddly enough. The guys name is Cohen, and since I thought he looked pretty asian I decided that he's a mix with Japanese and American.
Look at that frown, OH HE MAD BRO!

söndag 2 oktober 2011


I feel so bad, I haven't drawn anything in forever and that's just not okay. I love drawing, it's one of my biggest passions in life. But lately I've been too lazy or just haven't had the inspiration to do anything. So I feel I need to pull myself together and draw something ASAP.

Got any ideas? Leave me a comment, I'd love to see what you guys may come up with! Usually I draw my own characters, but I'm feeling the need to draw more than just that.